Fungal Infections / Viruses

Fungal infections of the skin present as many well-known household conditions commonly referred to as athlete’s foot, ringworm, or jock itch, all of which are benign and successfully managed with medications.
Athlete's Foot (Tinea Pedis)
White scaling moist skin between the toes
Resulting from use of public facilities (e.g., showers, gyms)
Preference for warm moist environments
Cold Sores
Herpes Labialis or “cold sores”, the most common herpes simplex type-1 infection, typically presents as inflamed, tender, blistering eruptions of the lip
Tingling, burning, or numbing sensations, also known as prodromal symptoms, may precede HSV eruptions
Untreated lesions and symptoms may last for approximately 1-2 weeks and often are self-resolving
Anti-viral medications can reduce symptom duration and help prevent future lesions from occurring
Molluscum Contagiosum
Viral skin eruption of multiple flesh-colored to pink papules (bumps), often presenting in clusters or groups
Presents frequently in childhood through contact with other affected children at daycares, schools, and athletics
Thorough handwashing and the avoidance of scratching the affected areas can help reduce spreading the virus to other areas of the body
The virus can be self-limiting over several months or treated with in-office therapies
Classic Presentation: Round to oval patch with pink/red raised border and clear center
Commonly affecting the arms, legs, back and chest
May be present for years
Shingles or Herpes Zoster classically presents as tender to very painful red rash forming blister-like bumps that erupt and crust; often occurring on only one side of the body
Pain may be present before and after rash
Early treatment intervention with anti-viral medication can reduce the severity of shingles
Tinea Versicolor
White to light pink round spots often progressing into large patches
Commonly located on the upper body
Can be itchy, but often is asymptomatic
Common warts are typically flesh-colored to pink rough growths often on fingers and hands
Warts are transmitted through contact such as touch
They can resolve spontaneously over years, but often are treated with over the counter products or in-office therapies